It’s been forever…
It’s been forever…
Written on: 28/01/2014
Yes, yes, I know. I haven’t posted on my own blog in months. November was the last post, and although I have the best will in the world to write a weekly blog post, I just get way-laid with client work.
So a quick update as to what I have been up to, and I am starting to set aside a bit of time for a short article each week, it might not be long and impressive (ooh-eer!) but it’ll be there. I’ll mix it up, with content ranging from SEO (like my bootcamp stuff), over to front-end development, web design, web development and best practices etc… it’ll also have some pointless, yet fun and trivial stuff too.
What have I been up to, I hear you cry. Well, I was out in Dubai over the new year period, which was amazing. I wanted to see some culture, which Dubai is bathed in. I was lucky enough to see the world record Fireworks too – so that was fantastic.
Other than that, I’ve been working really hard with my clients. I currently have several open projects which I am working on. These range from a fine wine company, over to a fitness and personal training company and then across to a pension/finance company – so lots to do.
I also picked up on December’s Freelance Friday too – as we had to postpone for a number of reasons, so that was pushed to the middle of January. I worked with a fantastic small charity called Save the World Club. These guys are the smallest non-profit I have worked with, and the work they do is quite local right now. But I suggest you go and check out their site and if you are local to the SW London/Surrey area, then it may be worth checking out what they do in a bit more detail.
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