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The blog (and general ramblings) of a freelance web designer


Curation of content is a big thing right now

I’ve had a lot of people contact me recently with ideas around the same area, curation. Curation of content is getting bigger and bigger, with huge online places like the fantastic showing how it’s done right.

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I’m Hiring!

I am looking for one or two junior level freelancers to come in to my new office space (which is based in Wimbledon TV Studios) and work with me on a variety of projects.

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African Revival – a Quote from the CEO

African Revival needed a new website and branding assistance. Rob Fenech came up with a fantastic new design concept, he talked through with us how we could improve our web presence and he is now building our new website. We highly recommend Rob and we are extremely impressed with his work, we’re looking forward to […]

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Great illustration goes a long way

Last week, I launched a new site for a friend of mine, Simon Elsbury. Simon is a leading Lighting Cameraman in London, and has worked with all of the big names in TV, from BBC, ITV and Channel 4 – to Sky, Virgin and BT. His client list is really very impressive.

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Useful Resources for Freelancers

I have created a small list of apps, sites and programs I find really useful as a freelancer. Use the ones you like and I hope they help you out as much as they help me.

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Designing for Charity

After working with a few charities over the past couple of years, I have picked up some knowledge that I wanted to share with the community. These aren’t exactly ‘game changers’, in fact, they are quite obvious when you think about it, but that being said, many charity sites overlook these simple rules on design. […]

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5 Things to consider for an intranet

Recently I was tasked with building an intranet for a client of mine, now to all intents and purposes, an intranet is just an internal website. Right? Wrong!

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Friday quickies: Design it right!

Right guys and girls, a quickie is here again and this time I am focussing on design, but more specifically, on designing something that is fit for the job it is meant to do. Well all know the saying, KISS – Keep it simple, stupid!

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Avoiding Creative Block

It happens to the best of us. Sometimes, we just sit in front of a blank screen with no inspiration. We draw nothing from our tired and fizzed out brains. What do you do when you have a creative block?

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