Some articles you might like
The blog (and general ramblings) of a freelance web designer
The Social Network
Ok, ok, so I am a bit behind the times, only having just watched The Social Network, but if you are in my industry, and enjoy doing what I do, this movie can only want to make you go and create the next big thing.
I love Buddypress!
I have had a few Buddypress projects recently, and I have to say, I love it! I have been working with a fantastic charity (more on that later) to redevelop their site into a fully fledged social network. Buddypress is awesome for a job like this, especially if you can customise the s**t out of […]
It’s been a busy few months
Luckily for me, I have been really busy working on new projects since Christmas, which is the reason for my lack of blogging.
It’s been a while
It’s been forever since I last posted on my blog, that has been due to the fact that I have been really busy working on new and exciting projects. I have been luck enough to work with a fantastic charity, who act as a mutual support group for MS sufferers. It is a really noble […]
Designing for Charity
After working with a few charities over the past couple of years, I have picked up some knowledge that I wanted to share with the community. These aren’t exactly ‘game changers’, in fact, they are quite obvious when you think about it, but that being said, many charity sites overlook these simple rules on design. […]
5 Things to consider for an intranet
Recently I was tasked with building an intranet for a client of mine, now to all intents and purposes, an intranet is just an internal website. Right? Wrong!
Friday quickies: Design it right!
Right guys and girls, a quickie is here again and this time I am focussing on design, but more specifically, on designing something that is fit for the job it is meant to do. Well all know the saying, KISS – Keep it simple, stupid!
Friday Quickies: A recipe for SEO
I have decided to start a little blog featured called Friday Quickies, where each Friday, I will post up a short blog post that is hopefully full of interesting info for you all.
Avoiding Creative Block
It happens to the best of us. Sometimes, we just sit in front of a blank screen with no inspiration. We draw nothing from our tired and fizzed out brains. What do you do when you have a creative block?